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PDO stands for polydioxanone – a complex sugar that has been used for over a decade as a raw material in general, obstetric, ortho, and cardiovascular surgery for wound closure. It is an absorbable thread that is thinner than a strand of hair. The goal is to smooth and strengthen the skin.

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Q: How does this process work?
A: I carefully and strategically place the threads below the skin to act like a microinjury in the skin so that the body can respond by adding structural proteins like collagen, elastin, fibrin, which results in smoother, fuller, more youthful-looking skin.


Q: What are the benefits of PDO smooth threads?
A: PDO threads are a great way to give your skin a boost. This treatment is a skin strengthener, but I sometimes refer to smooth threads as a solid filler. It’s a quick, pain-free treatment with little to no downtime. 


Q: Where are PDO smooth threads most commonly used?
A: Often used in areas of tired skin or skin with a crepey texture, the upper lip, the hollows of the cheeks, under the chin or around the mouth, smooth PDO threads can be placed under the skin where you are looking for tightening or smoothing. I also use threads in place of liquid hyaluronic acid filler, if there is a contradiction.


Q: How will the process work?
A: First and foremost, no procedure takes place until you are completely informed and prepared for what lies ahead.

You’ll always start with a consultation.

I assess your areas of concern to determine how many threads are needed to achieve your desired result, and whether you are a candidate for threads or a different procedure.  


The treatment then consists of cleaning the treatment area, numbing the area with topical cream, and inserting the absorbable surgical PDO threads with a very fine needle into the treatment areas. It is a quick procedure, as inserting smooth threads takes on average about 6-8 seconds per thread. It feels like a little pinch when the smooth threads are inserted and placed in the treatment area, but there should be no other sensations once the treatment is completed. 


Q: Are there any side effects to this process?
A: There is risk of occasional bruising, but that can often be avoided by following the pre-treatment instructions. 


Q: When can I expect to see results?
A: Results are not immediate as it takes time for the suture to dissolve and your body’s healing mechanism to work. You usually start to see results after 4 weeks, with optimal results after a full treatment cycle at around 6 months. The full treatment is a cycle that is repeated every 4-6 weeks, 3 times, and then every 6-12 months as needed after that.


The way you look and age is completely subjective. Everyone is on their own journey and only you can truly decide if this is the right path for you.

(262) 375-1573

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